Gemini-3 (3)
- Pad LC-19 ()
- Titan-II (3)
- Virgil I. Grissom (2), commander
- John W. Young (1), pilot
Backup Crew:
- Walter M. Schirra, Jr.
- Thomas P. Stafford
- L. Gordon Cooper (Cape)
- Roger B. Chaffee (Houston)
- Gemini-3 capsule
Mission Objective:
- Demonstrate manned orbital flight; evaluate two-man design. Demonstrate
and evaluate tracking network. Demonstrate OAMS capability in orbital
maneuvers and in retrofire backup. Demonstrate controlled reentry and
landing. Evaluate major spacecraft subsystems. Demonstrate systems
checkout, prelaunch, and launch procedures. Demonstrate and evaluate
recovery procedures and systems. Spacecraft weight: 3225kg.
- Secondary objectives included: Evaluate flight crew equipment, biomedical
instrumentation, and personal hygiene system. Perform 3 experiments.
Evaluate low-level longitudinal oscillations (Pogo) of the GLV. General
photographic coverage in orbit.
- March 23, 1965 9:24:00.064 am EST. There was one brief hold on launch
day while a sensor on an oxidizer line was adjusted.
- Altitude: 224km
- Inclination: 33.0 degrees
- Orbits: 3
- Duration: 0 Days, 4 hours, 52 min, 31 seconds
- Distance:
- March 23, 1965. Landing at 22deg26m North and 70deg 51min West.
Miss distance from landing zone 111.1km (60nm). Recovered by
USS Intrepid. Crew onboard in 70 min.
Mission Highlights:
- All primary objectives were achieved except the controlled reentry
objective was only partially achieved. The angle of attack during
reentry was lower than expected. Secondary objectives were only
partially achieved. The personal hygiene system was only partially
tested, Operating mechanism failed on S-2 - Synergistic Effect of
Zero Gravity on Sea Urchin Eggs Experiment and the photographic
coverage objective was only partially successful because of an
improper lens setting on the 16mm camera.
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Last Updated Friday August 25 13:03:58 EDT 2000
Jim Dumoulin (Redacted)