Firing Room Navaids, Comm, Mech, Pl Acc Console C-2

1. Comm System Engineer       CCSE    8. Sr. Comm Engineer         
2. Comm System Engineer               9. Comm Engineer
3. Navaids System Engineer    CNSE   10. Navaid Engineer
4. P/L System Engineer        CPLE   11. P/L Electrical Engineer
5. Mechanical Engineer        CAFM   12. P/L Electrical (SSE)      CPLE
6. Mechanical Engineer               13. Mechanical Engineer (SSE) CAFM
7. Comm/Nav (SSE)             CCSE   14. Mechanical Engineer       CAFM

*SSE = System Specialist Engineer

C-2 Console -- Navigation Aids, Communications, Mechanisms, Payload Accessories

Several different functions are monitored from these console stations.

Key Positions: The Navigation Aids Engineer (call sign CNSE) maintains/controls landing aids systems such as radar altimeter, Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN), Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System (MSBLS) and Ku-band rendezvous radar.

The ommunications Engineers (CCSE) maintain/control UHF radios, VHF radios, FM data downlink, television cameras, Ku-band telemetry, payload/extravehicular activity data/comm and S-band voice/telemetry.

Two Mechanical Engineers are assigned to the Airframe (CAFM) call sign. They have expert knowledge of the orbiter's overall structure and can provide expertise in such matters as closure of the umbilical doors on the orbiter after the external tank is jettisoned around eight and a half minutes into flight.

The Payload Electrical Engineer (CPLE) monitors payload electrical systems as they interface with the orbiter's electrical system.

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Last Updated Monday June 14 23:00:00 EDT 1995
Bob Waterman (Redacted)