The Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility -2 (SAEF-2) is located at F Avenue and 7th Street in the Hypergol Maintenance Facility Area, KSC Industrial Area. The facility is used for the assembly, test, encapsulation, ordnance work, propellant loading, and pressurization of spacecraft. The facility contains approximately 1556.08 meters (m)2 (16,750 feet (ft)2) of usable floor space. Construction is of reinforced concrete and concrete block. The high bay is a steel frame structure with insulated aluminum siding.
Functionally, the building is divided into the following areas: a clean work area (CWA) complex consisting of an airlock, a high bay, and two low bays; a test cell; a sterilization oven (non- operational); support office areas; and mechanical equipment rooms (figure 2-3). Floors in the airlock, high bay, and test cell are designed for 3175.20 kilogram (kg) (7000 pounds (lb)) per wheel plus 20 percent impact loading. The airlock, located at the north end of the building, measures 12.5 m by 17.7 m (41 ft wide by 58 ft long), providing a usable floor area of 221 m2 (2378 ft2) and is rated as a Class 300,000 CWA. The airlock has a clear ceiling height of 15.9 m (52 ft). Access is by means of personnel doors, vestibule, and a 6.4 m by 12.2 m (21.5 ft wide by 40 ft high) vertical lift equipment door. A 6.5 m by 12.1 m (21 ft wide by 39.5 ft high) horizontal sliding lift door separates the airlock from the adjacent high bay.
The high bay measures 14.9 m by 30.2 m (49 ft wide by 99 ft long), providing a usable floor area of 450.7 m2 (4851 ft2); clear ceiling height is 22.6 m (74 ft) and is rated as a Class 100,000 CWA. Personnel and small equipment can enter the high bay through the equipment airlock, equipped with air showers. Clear access is 1.4 m by 2.1 m (4 ft 5 in wide by 6 ft 11 in high). Two large bays are located along the west side of the high bay. One of the bays measures 5.8 m by 21.9 m (19 ft wide by 72 ft long) with a clear ceiling height of 7.62 m (25 ft); the other bay is 5.8 m by 8.2 m (19 ft wide by 27 ft long) and has a clear ceiling height of 13.3 m (43.5 ft). The combined bay areas provide a usable floor space of 174.8 m2 (1881 ft2). The low bays are also rated as Class 100,000 CWA's.
The test cell is located at the northeast corner of the facility. The cell measures 11.3 m by 11.3 m (37 ft by 37 ft), providing a usable floor area of 127.2 m2 (1369 ft2). The clear ceiling height is 15.9 m (52 ft). Access to the test cell is by means of personnel doors and three 6.7 m by 12.2 m (22 ft wide by 40 ft high) vertical lift doors. The test cell can be used for spacecraft and payload support activities not requiring Class 100,000 CWA conditions.
The remainder of the building consists of such support rooms as a mechanical equipment room, communication equipment room, entry and observation room, change room, storage room, miscellaneous equipment rooms, and limited office space.
The sterilization oven is located at the south end of the facility in a 13.1 m by 16.2 m (43 ft wide by 53 ft long) open- sided shed. Ceiling height of the shed in the oven area is 4.9 m (16 ft). (The oven is not operational.)
There is a 13.7 m by 8.5 m (45 ft long by 28 ft wide) conference area located on the second floor above rooms 117 and 119. Room 109 is used as the clean room garment storage and issue room. There are five 3.7 m by 18.3 m (12 ft by 60 ft) office trailers, figure 2-3, available for payload personnel use when their payload is in SAEF-2. Two are on the north side of the building; two, on the west side; and one, on the east side. One of the trailers located on the north side is used by the NASA and PGOC facility managers.
Reference: SAEF-2 Area Detailed Map (internal only)
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