Crawlerway to the Pad
The road from the VAB to the Launch pad was specially constructed to handle the tremendous weight of the Crawler-Transporter moving the Mobile Launch Platform and orbiter stack.
Crawlerway Statistics
- Length from VAB to Pad LC-39A - 5,535 meters (18,159 ft)
- Length from VAB to Pad LC-39B - 6,828 meters (22,440 ft)
- Width: Overall 40 meters (130ft).
Each lane is 12 meters (40ft) with a 15 meter (50ft) median.
- Depth: Average depth is 2 meters (7ft)
0.8 meters (2.5 ft) hydraulic fill, 0.9 meter (3ft) graded
limestone, 0.3 meters (1 ft) selected fill, asphalt sealer; 10.16-20.32
cm (4-8 in) of river rock on top to reduce surface friction.
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Last Updated Wed Oct 6 19:01:52 EDT 1993
Jim Dumoulin (Redacted)