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NASA Meatball NASA Dryden X-38 banner
Skid marks in the lakebed show the landing path after the successful eighth free flight test mission of the NASA X-38. Skid marks in the lakebed show the landing path after the successful eighth free flight test mission of the NASA X-38.

Photo Number: EC01-0340-62
Photo Date: December 13, 2001

Formats: 480x595 JPEG Image (147 KBytes)
1024x1270 JPEG Image (724 KBytes)
2400x2977 JPEG Image (4,823 KBytes)

Description: The NASA X-38 is picked up from its dry lakebed landing site following its successful eighth free flight test mission December 13, 2001. Skid marks in the ground show the X-38's landing path.

NASA Photo by: Tom Tschida

Keywords: X-38; CRV; Crew Return Vehicle; V-131R; 131R; International Space Station; eighth free flight; landing; postflight

Last Modified: February 6, 2002
Responsible NASA Official: Marty Curry
Curator: PAO Webmasters

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